Are You Dating A Koala Bear?

A humorous-cum-reflective poem on dating, love, infatuation, relationships and embracing flaws

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)


Bob Walker |

Are you dating a koala bear?
“Omg! Isn’t he awfully cute!”
I’d love for you to see his grumpiness
Until you’ve had enough to go mute.

They sleep for eighteen hours a day.
Holding on to barks with their sharp claws.
When dating, remember that no one’s perfect.
Everyone comes with their share of flaws.

Love can’t survive on eucalyptus leaves.
They’re known to be very low on calories.
There’s more to relationships than chemistry.
To build trust, you must unpack your stories.

Dare to be you and seek to know him.
Show who you are without your mask.
Have you both gotten over your past?
Each one please give before you ask.

Thank you for reading my poem. If you enjoyed it, you might find my other articles on dating and relationship interesting.

About The Author

I’m an unstoppable poet, a Hong Kong based chai-drinking author, self-love advocate, and relentless courtship and relationship coach. I share my insights and wisdom from practicing meditation for over nine years as well as my lived experiences. I share my insights and wisdom on relationships from cultivating presence through mindfulness practices over nine years, spending a lot of intentional alone time doing deep spiritual healing work. My book — WIRED FOR SELF-LOVE is now available on Amazon !

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If you enjoyed or felt inspired reading this poem you can buy me a ko-fi ☕. Your support will encourage me to continue doing what I love — writing inspiring stories and spontaneous poems.



Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Healed from Narcissistic Abuse | Author of 📗: WIRED FOR SELF-LOVE |🎙The Relationship Academy | Free 📚: | IG & YT @latakokalofficial