How To Lean Into Your Introversion and Wow Your Audience in Seven Simple Steps

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
7 min readMay 15, 2022


A man dressed casually in a chequered shirt is facing a group of people sitting in large groups on long tables under a shed. The people are looking at him giving a speech. It’s day time. | Public Speaking

Hello introvert! Does the very thought of standing in front of a crowd make you swallow your words and drown your voice? Does it make you want to hide in a den and have no one ever hear the story that you so badly want to share with others? Do you secretly look up to people that can speak well and hope, wish and dream you could do that too?

Well, my friend, you absolutely can! But before I share the steps, I want to bring you to my first experience on stage as a child.

I had participated in a fancy dress competition that took place in my school’s humongous auditorium that could easily seat a thousand people. I awaited my turn and when my name was called, I climbed the steps to the stage. I could hear my own heartbeat! There was pin-drop silence when I faced the mic. 600 pairs of eager eyes were looking my way, waiting for me to say something... anything. I squeaked like a mouse when I mumbled my name. I forgot the eleven-word sentence I had recited. I ran off the stage. I wanted the earth to open and swallow me. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I failed at my first attempt on stage in school at the age seven!



Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Heals narcissistic abuse, tries not to worry much & defuses emotional time bombs for fun | Free resources: | IG & YT @latakokalofficial