Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Self-awareness & Personal Development

80 stories

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Dating And Relationship Success

69 stories

A girl sitting among flowers facing the warm rays of the sun
a young girl sitting in a field among tall grass and colorful flowers
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

14 stories

A woman looking distant, in pain, and crying
A women grieving
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Thought Provoking Ted Talks

7 stories

A signpost that says “You are worthy of love”.
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Chapters from my book: WIRED FOR SELF-LOVE

7 stories

This is the cover of a #1 bestselling book titled Wired For Self-Love. The Text in large font in teal ink reads “Wired For Self-Love”. The smaller font text below it in black ink reads “11 Strategies to Free Yourself from Your Past, Embrace Your True Identity & Develop Unshakeable Confidence. A lady with a big smile sits in a casual pose with her jet black hair falling on her left shoulder. She’s wearing a white blouse, black pants and bracelet. Her smile oozes confidence. She’s the author.
A lady levitating above ground among autumn leaves.
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

For Modern Women

30 stories

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Writing success

8 stories

Young annoyed freelancer using her laptop at home
Photo of bold text written in pen — CRYING — followed by a teary face emoji
Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Lata Kokal (formerly Neha Sonney)

Book Author

Healed from Narcissistic Abuse | Author of 📗: WIRED FOR SELF-LOVE |🎙The Relationship Academy | Free 📚: | IG & YT @latakokalofficial