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Top 5 Reasons When and Why Modern Women Shouldn’t Date At All
Gentlemen, kindly take note of reason #5

Note: I cater to heterosexual audiences who are interested in commitment and believe in marriage/relationships. Follow me if you like having conversations that address the elephant in the room.
Reason #1
Women should not date if they don’t have a purpose for a man in their life. Women can now provide for themselves. So that bit is taken care of, am I right, ladies? Then why should a man want to be with you? And do you know what you bring to the relationship besides sex?
For instance, can you cook up a storm? Are you a good listener? Do you know how to cooperate with men?
Men don’t need competition at home. They want peace.
Reason #2
Women should not date if they are shallow, delusional, or close-minded. If you’re tall and you exclude men who are even as tall or a couple inches shorter than you, then you would be considered shallow. Don’t listen to Marilyn Monroe’s advice. Diamonds are not a girl’s best friend. Marilyn Monroe had relationship problems, she was very unhappy, and she died young.